Mantle v2 Tectonic has been released, please move to the new documentation!


Q. Can I use Truffle, Hardhat, and Remix to deploy contracts on Mantle Network?

Yes. All the EVM-compatible Web3 libraries, IDEs, developments frameworks can be used to deploy on and connect to Mantle Network. This includes, but isn't limited to, popular tools such as:

Q. What signature algorithm does Mantle Network use?

Mantle Network uses the same signature algorithm as Ethereum. (ECDSA on the secp256k1 curve)

Q. What is the block gas limit on Mantle Network?

The block gas limit is currently set to 30,000,000, or 30M units.

Q. What's the average block time on Mantle Network?

New blocks are generated on L2 every time a new transaction is received, and each block contains a single transaction. Thus, the block time on Mantle Network depends on the transaction volume at any given time.

Q. How does transaction finality work on Mantle Network?

  • Transaction/block finality on L2 is instantaneous

  • Transaction/block finality on L1 connects to the challenge period, which is currently set at 7 days

Q. Are fraud proofs online on Mantle Network?

As of mainnet alpha release, fraud proofs are in development. For more details on Mantle Network's implementation, check out the page on Fraud Proofs

Q. How does modular data availability bring down transaction costs?

The majority of L2 gas costs (>70%) are incurred as the cost to publish data on L1 Ethereum. With Mantle DA powered by EigenDA technology, only state root data (along with very limited transaction data) is posted to L1 contracts, while the rollup data is posted to Mantle DA, which helps bring down the overall cost significantly.

Q. Can I fetch DA transaction details with an API?

Currently, the only way see DA transaction history is via the Explorer frontend. Here's the link: https://explorer.mantle.xyz/eigenda-batches

Q. Where can I find the brand resources for Mantle Network?

You can access brand resources by following this link.


Q. Do Rollup Verifier nodes verify every piece of block data processed by the Sequencer?

Yes. All updated state roots are verified by Rollup Verifiers before they are submitted to L1 as a part of the rollup process.

Q. Do Rollup Verifiers sync rollup data from the Sequencer?

No. Rollup Verifiers sync rollup data from Mantle DA, which they use to generate state roots and verify the updated state roots generated by the Sequencer before they are published to L1.

Q. Before fraud proofs are online on Mantle Network, what happens if a Rollup Verifier detects that L2 block data doesn't match with the data being submitted to L1?

If Rollup Verifiers detect a discrepancy when verifying the updated state roots, the rollup mechanism on L2 is temporarily halted. You can learn more about failure handling here: Failure Handling.

Smart Contracts

Q. Where can I find multicall contracts on Mantle Network?

  • Mainnet multicall address: 0xcA11bde05977b3631167028862bE2a173976CA11

  • Testnet multicall address: 0xcA11bde05977b3631167028862bE2a173976CA11

Q. Does Mantle Network support contract creation using CREATE2 and CREATE3 ?

We currently support CREATE2, and are working on supporting CREATE3 in a future update. Check out the section on opcode differences to learn more.

Q. What's the $WMNT token contract address?


0x78c1b0C915c4FAA5FffA6CAbf0219DA63d7f4cb8 - Explorer link


0xa4c4cb2A072eE99f77212Fa18c2B7Ca26DA23905 - Explorer link


Q. What's the transaction lifecycle like on Mantle Network?

  1. A wallet or dApp initiates a transaction

  2. Sequencer executes transaction

  3. TSS network signs state roots guaranteeing correctness

  4. State root data is posted to L1 Ethereum, transaction data is posted to Mante DA

For a detailed description, check out the page on Transaction Lifecycle

Q. I noticed unknown gas fee being deducted from my wallet when sending transactions. Why is that?

Our gas oracle API currently only supports fetching L2 gas fee. The extra fee being deducted is the L1 rollup fee. This will be fixed soon in a future update!

Q. Why does my transaction fail when I try to send a transaction with the "Max" amount from my wallet?

A transaction sent with the "Max" amount fails with an error stating that the transaction is underpriced because our gas oracle currently only supports fetching L2 gas fee estimation, which is why the wallet undercalculates the actual gas fee that needs to paid since it is not including the L1 rollup fee. This issue will be addressed with a future network update. In the meantime, we recommend leaving at least 0.5 $MNT in your wallet to pay for L1 rollup fees.

For example, if you have 10 $MNT in your wallet, please limit the transaction amount to a maximum of 9.5 $MNT for a single transaction.

Q. Are there any limits set for batch transaction size?

The maximum batch transaction size is derived from the target gas configuration. Mantle Network is the same as Ethereum in this regard.

Q. Are there any limits on the gas price that can be paid when sending transactions on Mantle Network?

Currently, the gas range has been set to 0.05 - 200 Gwei in order to protect users from overpaying gas fees. This limit is active on Mantle Mainnet, and will soon be applied to testnet as well.

Q. Does Mantle Network support EIP-1559?

Currently, Mantle Network does NOT support EIP-1559, so we recommend using legacy structuring for your transactions. The order of transactions is FIFO, and it will be executed based on the sequence (time of receiving) they are received in.

Q. Does Mantle Network support transactions that aren't signed with the chain ID?

No, Mantle Network does not support pre-EIP155 transactions that aren't signed with the chain ID.


Q. Does the RPC rate limit affect Explorer API usage too?

Yes. Once the RPC rate limit is reached, access to Explorer API will also be limited.

Node operators

Q. How big is the current testnet state?

You can find details on this subject here:

Last updated